Consultant at Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana


The Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG), is an NGO and a member of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). PPAG, a leading provider of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) education, information and services in Ghana,in close collaboration with OXFAM, hereby invites result-oriented and committed persons to apply for the following vacant position to be filled in the Association.


Job Description




Contraception is commonly considered a woman’s responsibility. Nevertheless, men can share the burden of contraception by supporting their female partner’s contraceptive choices, correctly and consistently using condoms, recognizing the limitations of withdrawal, and undergoing vasectomy. Given the inadequacy of condoms, ineffectiveness of withdrawal, and inaccessibility of vasectomy, only 15% of contraceptive-using women worldwide report using a male-controlled method of contraception.1 Without new male contraceptive methods (MCs), men’s engagement in family planning may remain insufficient for reducing the global rate of unplanned pregnancy. Fortunately, new, reversible hormonal and non-hormonal MCs are being developed that may not only reduce global unmet need for contraception, but also improve gender equity. Yet even if new MCs are approved for the market, their widespread dissemination and uptake by men and couples will rely on transformative changes in culture that make contraception a shared responsibility.

Contemporary research that describes men’s contraceptive and reproductive experiences and behaviors, as well as examines men’s and women’s knowledge of, attitudes towards, and behaviors related to male contraceptives is needed. Such research would more comprehensively contextualize men and women’s willingness to use and rely on new MCs, while providing insight into cultural and structural changes needed to help men take a more active role in delaying pregnancy. Combining these data with women’s perceptions, attitudes and experiences towards new MCs and male contraceptive behaviors can help characterize the potential impact of new MCs on unmet contraceptive need, gender equity, and even men’s uptake of preventive health services beyond contraception.

Within this context, The World Health Organization (WHO), the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), and the Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG) are collaborating to implement a research exercise that will break further grounds for the production of male contraception across the world, with specific contextual considerations. Additionally, the study will identify social and structural barriers that may need to be optimized with respect to men’s contraceptive roles and responsibilities before more widespread adoption of new MCs can be expected. Characterizing populations that may be more receptive to or hesitant about MCs can influence how these methods are introduced and distributed.

Overall, the study has the following objectives:
Primary objectives

  • To characterize the ways in which men participate in pregnancy prevention at the individual level, and in relation to their female partners and families.
  • To assess men’s attitudes towards the use of existing MCs and their willingness to try new MCs, with attention to the influence of gender norms.
  • To assess women’s attitudes towards their male partner’s involvement in contraceptive and pregnancy decision-making, their male partner’s use of existing MCs, and their willingness to rely on new MCs for pregnancy prevention.

Secondary objectives

  • To explore the role of (1) sociodemographic factors, (2) reproductive life plans, (3) engagement in family planning, and (4) masculine norms and gender roles on men’s use of existing MCs and attitudes towards new MCs.
  • To identify discordant contraceptive and reproductive attitudes among couples and explore their influence on willingness to use new MCs for pregnancy prevention.
  • To characterize an opportunity for increasing men’s uptake of preventive and promotive health services via accessing new MCs.
  • To explore institutional capacities and service providers’ perceptions around the provision of new MCs in the setting of current male reproductive health services.

PPAG, which is the lead implementor in Ghana, is thus seeking a research consultant (s) to support the implementation of this comprehensive exercise across the country. This is expected to provide quality contextual expertise and guidance on the research endeavour.

Study Outcomes
To meet the goal and objectives of the study, the research consultant(s) will use a mixed methods methodology to implement the following:

  1. Characterize new and existing MC attitudes among men, with attention to differences between contraceptive-eligible and contraceptive-seeking individuals.
  2. Introduce men to a wider range of hormonal and non-hormonal new MC attributes (e.g., mechanisms of action, routes of administration, dosing schedules, time to effectiveness, need for semen analysis and potential side effects).
  3. Examine sociodemographic (e.g., age and SES), reproductive (e.g., history of pregnancy and unplanned pregnancy, desire for children), contraceptive (e.g., current method use and effectiveness), and psychosocial and gender norms factors (e.g., gender equitable beliefs, prioritization of sexual needs, involvement in contraceptive decision making) linked to men’s use of existing MCs and willingness to trial or use new MCs.
  4. Incorporate the attitudes of female partners of both contraceptive-eligible and contraceptive-seeking men, whose relationships and experiences deciding on and using contraception with their male partners may influence MC attitudes.
  5. Explore an opportunity to improve men’s adoption of preventive health behaviors and services via characterizing how, where, and how frequently men might access new MCs.
  6. Contextualize quantitative survey findings via qualitative, in-depth interviews targeting findings or specific sub-populations of interest from the survey.

This would be a nationwide study, with pre-selected sites including Accra, Cape Coast, Kumasi, Techiman, Tamale and Kparigu. Social media, in specific reference to recruitment, would also be adopted to a significant extent in different aspects of the study.

It is anticipated that not less than 300 participants would be recruited across the country for the quantitative aspect of the study, and not less than 30 for the qualitative component.

The study will span a period of 24 months, starting in January 2023 until December 2024. However, the consultant will not be engaged for the entirety of the period. Engagement will be based specifically on the man hours required to deliver the deliverables as required and according to an agreed work plan.

Deliverables/Task of Consultant
The consultant will be expected to produce/develop/lead the following as part of the engagement:

  1. Facilitate renewal of ethical clearance for year 2.
  2. Inception report – revised research design and plan based on consultations with PPAG and partners.
  3. Coordinate fieldwork
  4. Periodic progress update report
  5. Preliminary findings reports (both quantitative and qualitative components)
  6. Final reports
  7. Slide decks on the final report
  8. Manuscripts – three (3) approved manuscripts

Management & Supervision
The consultant(s) will be overseen directly by the Research, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit of PPAG. The Research, Monitoring and Evaluation Manager of PPAG will be the focal person at PPAG for the consultant.


Required Skills or Experience


The lead consultant is expected to have the following qualifications:

  • An advanced degree (minimum of a research-based master’s degree) from a recognized university in Public Health, Health Quality, Health Economy, Population Studies, Development Studies, International Development, Research Methodologies, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, or any related field.
  • At least 5 years of progressive experience performing research and evaluation exercises for health-related programs.
  • Excellent knowledge and understanding of research methodologies and processes.
  • Good understanding of the local health system, particularly regarding Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR).
  • Fluency in English is required. Knowledge of a local language, preferably Akan would be an added advantage.

Application  requirements
The consultant or firm should provide the following in their application:

  • CVs of key personnel who will be involved in the study.
  • Evidence of similar assignments conducted within the last 5 years, including references. This should be captured in a table with the following headings: title of project/assessment/research; type of assessment/research (baseline, midterm, endline, etc); total budget; source of funds (donor); scope (geographic); subject area; and duration.
  • Technical proposal – detailed research design, including schedule. (max. 5 pages)
  • Financial proposal – budget should include all expected cost e.g. accommodation, travels, meals, man-hours, etc. The budget should also indicate the requisite national tax provisions.
  • Certification in Good Clinical Practice (GCP), Clinical Trial Ethics Training (CITI), or any relevant research ethics certification
  • Tax Clearance Certificate from GRA and Company Registration documents (if applicable).


How To Apply | Consultant at Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana

All applications should be sent to: and

The subject line should read: ‘Male Contraception Study Consultancy’.

All technical questions should be addressed to Kwasi Adu Manu (Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator) via email: Only technical questions will be addressed.

Kindly ensure to submit all the required information and documentation as the scoring will be based strictly on that.

The deadline for application is 26th January 2023. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

**This TOR can be downloaded here:

The definite number of manuscripts will be determined after the consultant is engaged