IT Consultant at Ghana Anti-corruption Coalition

The Ghana Anti-corruption Coalition is a cross-sectoral grouping of public, private and civil society organizations with the sole aim of building a national effort to confront the problem of corruption and devise effective control measures.

GACC seeks to reduce poverty by coordinating anti- corruption activities in Ghana through collaboration with its members and other key stakeholders and with of vision of a Ghana free from corruption where honesty, transparency, accountability and integrity are upheld.

The Coalition focuses on research and monitoring of anti-corruption legal environment as well as providing anti-corruption assessment to feed into policy documents. GACC also promotes citizen’s education on transparency and accountability issues, advocate on relevant issues that seek to enhance good governance.


Job Description

Goal 17 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) recognizes that a successful sustainable development agenda requires partnerships among government, private sector and civil society built upon principles and values, a shared vision, and shared goals. One of the critical targets under Goal 17 relates to finance and strengthening domestic resource mobilization, including through international support to developing countries, to improve domestic capacity for tax and other revenue collection.
Goal 17 recognizes the need for urgent action to mobilize, redirect and unlock the transformative power of trillions of dollars of private resources to deliver on sustainable development objectives.
While many businesses in the past have viewed tax as a burden and cost to minimize, responsible business are increasingly recognising that well-functioning tax systems are critical for growing modern and inclusive economies where both society and business thrives. This is partly in response to public debate which has intensified greatly around overly aggressive tax practices of multinationals to reduce tax contributions and undermine domestic resource mobilisation for public services. In the face of this debate, responsible companies are taking actions to demonstrate their responsibility and integrity, clearly outlining how they approach tax, with foundational principles and transparency. This means that tax is no longer at the margins of CSR but firmly at the heart of corporate sustainability.
Private sector actors should think beyond profit and pursue genuine social impact which involves responsible tax and business practices to:
  • Invest in sustainable development and the future of the business. Responsible companies, committed to contributing to sustainable development and ensuring their long-term success, must think about the impacts of tax avoidance and manage them for the common good.
  • Respect fundamental human rights. Corporate tax behaviour, can have an impact – positive or negative – on the realisation of fundamental human rights.
  • Mitigate risk. Tax avoidance creates reputational and other business risks for companies and their investors.
Civil society led by Oxfam have engaged in developing a measurement tool for tax responsibility of businesses known as the Ghana Responsible Tax Index (GRTI). The objectives of the GRTI include; assessment of disclosure practices of companies, measurement of the level of tax transparency, ranking of companies based on their tax disclosures by using sets of measuring variables and informing public debate on accountable governance.
The objective of the specific assignment of the ToR is to recruit an IT consultant to populate the Ghana Responsible Tax Index template and make it available online.
Scope of the Assignment
The assignment entails the design and development of a web-based template for the GRTI, populating the template with collected data and uploading the template on the website of 3 project partners.
Activities of the Consultant
The Consultant, working with the Ghana Anti-Corruption Coalition (GACC) and Revenue Mobilisation Africa (RMA) will undertake the following activities;
  1. Prepare and submit a work plan
  2. Design and develop a web-based template for the GRTI
  3. Populate the GRTI template with collected data
  4. Upload the populated template on the website of the 3 project partners
5.0 Deliverables
The deliverables for this assignment are:
  1. A web-based template for the GRTI.
  2. A populated GRTI template
  3. An internet web page for the GRTI
Duration of Assignment
The assignment is estimated to be delivered in 6 weeks.
Governance and Support by GACC/RMA
The Consultant will provide the above services and will provide progress updates as requested by the GACC and RMA.
The following shall be made available by RMA and GACC within its premises where necessary:
  1. Photocopying
  2. Stationery
  3. Internet Access


Required Skills or Experience


Expertise Required
Interested candidates must provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and proven experience and track records of conducting similar assignments.

Qualification and Experience
1. An advanced qualification in Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
2. A minimum of eight (8) years of relevant work experience
3. Ability to work independently and under tight deadlines; and
4. A high level of attention to detail.


How To Apply | IT Consultant at Ghana Anti-corruption Coalition


Interested applicants should send their:
i. Curriculum vitae and
ii. A technical proposal outlining the approach and budget
Via email :
By hand delivery at Ghana Anti-Corruption Coalition, Behind Pig Farm Total Service Station, C1173/12 Kotobabi Road, Pig-Farm Accra.
  • The deadline for receipt of all applications is COB Monday 31st October 2022.
  • Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.